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Showing posts from August, 2018

Difference between Page list and Page group?

1) Page List mode property is a data structure consisting of an ordered list of zero or more pages, each identified by an integer index (starting with 1). 2) A Page Group is a data structure consisting of an unordered set of pages, each identified by a string subscript value. For example, a Page Group property can contain an array of 50 pages, one for each state in the United States, indexed by state code. The reference: State(“VA”).Population can identify a numeric property for the state of Virginia. In contrast, a Page List data structure uses numeric indexes (subscripts) 1, 2, 3 to identify an ordered list of pages.

Difference between call and branch

a) Call:  If we call one activity to another activity by using call, it will execute the called activity and return back to calling activity then execute the remaining steps in a calling activity. b) Branch:  If we call one activity to another activity by using Branch, it will execute the called activity and calling activity then it will not execute the remaining steps after branch.

Where work objects will be stored?

Work Objects are stored in pc_work table by default. however if you want to store the work objects in a user created table, follow the below mentioned steps. Create a schema similar to pc_work table. (The best thing is to copy the pc_work schema and modify the table name and constraints name if any) Change the class group mapping (Data-Admin-DB-Table) to the newly created table.

What is Assignment in PRPC

An Assignment in PRPC is used to route work to an operator.   The primary use of an assignment is to display or call a flow action into flow. No assignment can be available without flow actions. Assignment shape contains the options like    1. Status    2. SLA   3. Notification   4. Harness 5. Local actions etc...             If we want to see the current   assignment details we can see on clipboard on a predefined   page "NewAssign" Page (Assign-)"

What is a Workbasket, Work pool and Workgroup

Work Basket is an instance of   Assign-Workbasket. It is Queue of All the work Items those can       be accessed by Multiple Operators who are connected to the basket via their Work Group. Work Group Acts an Interface between Operator and Work Basket. Work Group and Work Basket can be connected to each other. Work pool :-   Class Group when added in the access group (Under Advanced Tab) it is said to be work pool. It Identifies which case types should be loaded for an operator to create work.

What is an Access-group

Access-group   is an interface between Operator and Application, Portal, Access Roles. Access Group Define the Work pool of an operator. An Operator Can have Multiple Access Groups Defined but one should be default.

How to make a local action available to be accessible at all the assignments in the Flow

We can call the flow action or local action in the Design tab of the flow. The local action which are called in the assignment shape properties will be available only to that particular assignment whereas the local actions which we call in the design of the flow will be available to access at all the assignments in a flow.

What is Application, Production , Branch and Personal Rule Set?

·        The rule sets which we regularly user for creating our rules are application rule sets. ·        Production Rule Set :- refer the link  ·        Branch Rule Set:- It is a share rule set. This allows multiple developers to perform parallel updates on the rules. After that we can merge the branch rule sets into the original rule set with all changes.   Branch Rule Set can be added in the application rule Form. ·        Personal Rule Set :-   This is virtual rule set created with the Operator ID name. When an Operator check   out a rule PRPC copies the rule from Original Rule Set to Personal Rule Set allowing the operator to make changes. After the changes are done/check in the personal rule set copy will be lost and latest changes will be saved into original rule set. ·        All the Checkout rules will be available in Personal Rule Set. The Priority when accessing the rule goes to Personal Rule Set.

What is Rule Delegation and Production Rule Set?

The Rules in PRPC like Decision rules, Correspondence Rules etc… can be delegated to business so that business users can modify the rule as per their requirements. Rules can be delegated from the action Dropdown of the rule form. When delegating it can be done to Single Operator OR to an Access Group.                                                                                 Delegated rules will be available to be accessible through the Portals under the Section “My Business Rules”. The OOTB sections rule name “Delegated Rules” which is available in “@baseclass”. These rules can be created in a separate rule set and we call this rule set under “Production rule Sets” in the application rule form.   Usually these production rule sets will be left unlocked.

What Are the Rule Set Pre Requisite, What are Types of rule Sets, and What is the Rule set hierarchy in PEGA?

All the Predefined rule Sets Should be Address as “Required Rule Sets” to our application Rule set then any rules in the predefined rule sets can be used in our application. 1.      Application Rule Sets (Which we add in Application Rule Form) 2.      Production Rule Sets (Which we will add in the Application Rule Form and Also we can in Access Group Under Advanced Tab. 3.      Branch 4.      Shared Rule Sets. 5.      Personal Rule Sets.

What is Declare on change

It is used to run an activity automatically at activity step limits whenever the specify property value is changed. this capability provides automatic forward chaining. It is the instance of Rule-Declare-OnChange rule types EX: we can create a declare onchange rule to send an email to emp whenever HRA,TA,PF is changed. we can define RDO rules property inside the embedded page. we need to specify page name and class name in the pages and classes tab.

Difference between Backward chaining and forward chaining

·         Forward Chaining: It provides the automatic calculations of the property value by executing the declarative rule, when any one of the input property value is changed. EX: If the Area property depends on the Length and Width property, then forward chaining causes the Area property recomputed each time either Length/Width value changes. ·         Backward Chaining: It provides the automatic calculations of a property value by executing the declarative rule, when a value is needed for property rather than whenever inputs change.    EX: If the Area property depends on the Length and Width property, then backward chaining causes the Area property recomputed each time the Area property is required.

Difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?

Page-Validate method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If a page has embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the properties. This method consumes lot of system resources and takes more time. If you want to validate specific properties use Obj-Validate method with Rule-Obj-Validate rule. Property-Validate method is used to impose restrictions on a property value. Use Edit validate rule along with Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate multiple properties using Property-Validate method.

What is a Declare Trigger rule in Pega

Declare Trigger runs an activity when instances of a specific class are  created, updated, or deleted in the database. This implements a form of forward chaining. For each Declare Trigger rule, the Pega Platform monitors database operations for objects of the Applies To class (and concrete classes derived from that class) During database commit processing, forward chaining processing may trigger — start execution of — the activity identified in this rule. Declare triggers are always executed before the object is committed to the database. Trigger activity can execute immediately or on background .   If you define Declare Trigger's execution method as Background, then Pega creates child requestor and then executes the Declare Trigger in that requestor. The reason for this option is to consider the performance impact of the application.

Difference between Spinoff, Split join and Split for each

Split Join -   Use the Split-Join shape to require that multiple subflows of your flow be completed before the current flow continues execution. This allows subflows to execute asynchronously, in parallel. For an example, see the standard flow Work-.ParallelWork. Split For Each -  The Split-ForEach task provides a form of searching or enumeration over the pages in a property. Use a Split-ForEach shape to iterate over the pages of a Page List or Page Group property. For each page, you can conditionally start a flow execution for the work object. Spinoff-  When a work object advancing through a flow reaches the Spin-off shape, Process Commander starts execution of a different flow, using the current or a different work object. Processing in the current flow rule continues in parallel, without waiting for the other flow to complete.